The Institute of National Remembrance

The Institute of National Remembrance collection in Krakow on JP2online contains the following information:
a) documents concerning the surveillance of the priest, then Bishop Karol Wojtyła, from the early 1950s until his election as Pope, including the observation of his pastoral activities and many of his closest associates.
b) documents collected since his election as Pope, when interest in the service of John Paul II intensified. In particular, successive pilgrimages to the homeland, which, in addition to the usual anti-terrorist protection in such a situation, were the subject of extremely thorough research, analysis and specific actions aimed at limiting the Pope's influence on Poles.
The documents presented in the portal (there are 1630 of them) come from a branch of the Institute of National Remembrance in Cracow (Archive in Wieliczka). As part of the long-term cooperation with the Institute of National Remembrance, archives concerning Karol Wojtyła/John Paul II from other branches will be developed and made available on the JP2online portal.
According to the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance of December 18, 1998, this institution collects, records and makes available the documents of the state security authorities produced and collected from July 22, 1944 to July 31, 1990. Among these documents there are hundreds of running meters of documents concerning Church surveillance, including Bishop Karol Wojtyła and then John Paul II.

You can view materials from the Institute of National Remembrance, but in order to copy and/or use them, the owner's consent is required. You can access the original documents according to the applicable procedures at the Institute of National Remembrance:
Branch Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance in Kraków, the seat: Wieliczka, 1 Mieczysław Skulimowski Square; tel. (0-12) 289-14-07; (0-12) 289-14-00; [email protected]

Search in collections: The Institute of National Remembrance

III pielgrzymka do Polski w 1987 r. (Oddział IPN w Lublinie):

I pielgrzymka do Polski w 1979 r. (Oddział IPN w Krakowie):

II pielgrzymka do Polski w 1983 r. (Oddział IPN w Warszawie):

III pielgrzymka do Polski w 1987 r. (Oddział IPN w Gdańsku):

III pielgrzymka do Polski w 1987 r. (Oddział IPN w Warszawie):

Inwigilacja duszpasterstwa akademickiego w Krakowie (Oddział IPN w Krakowie):

Pozostałe materiały (Oddział IPN w Krakowie):

Pozostałe materiały (Oddział IPN w Warszawie):

Teczki tajnych współpracowników (Oddział IPN w Krakowie):